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Bible Study in Basic Christian Faith and Practice


When someone becomes a Christian, it is important that they get grounded in their faith and in the word of God. To become a Christian is to become a disciple (or follower) of the Lord Jesus Christ. Being a disciple means learning to obey all that Jesus has commanded (Matthew 28:20). Faith Community Church provides two basic forms of discipleship in addition to normal church life.


The first additional form of discipleship is the Bible Study in Basic Christian Faith and Practice, which ideally takes place in a group context. We try to do this course in a group partly because young Christians often change so much during their first months/years of walking with Jesus largely by learning the basics. That is what this course is about. If there are not enough people to do a group study, then we try to offer alternative, individual training.


The second additional form of discipleship is individual and more intensive in seeking to apply God’s word to the believer’s life. It is for those who desire to have individual training in godliness and relationship with Christ. All of this is contingent on available resources, and every case must be considered individually. Sometimes, people engage in both forms of discipleship at the same time and sometimes only one. Sometimes there is a need to tailor training to an individual’s situation.


The Bible Study in Basic Christian Faith and Practice covers the following topics (not necessarily in this order; some topics may take more than one session):


1.  The Bible: Learning and Living the Word of God

2.  Trusting Jesus as Savior

3.  Yielding to Jesus as Lord

4.  Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit (including a discussion of the Trinity)

5.  Overcoming the World, the Flesh, and the Devil

6.  Community: Becoming a Family with God and Others

7.  Growing in Holiness

8.  Growing in the Fruit of the Holy Spirit

9.  Worshiping God Wholeheartedly

10. Discovering and Using Spiritual Gifts

11. Serving God and Our Neighbors

12. Serving God with Our Money

13. Sharing Jesus with Others

14. Eschatology (i.e. last things, including the end times)

15. Prayer

16. The Sacraments: Baptism and Communion

17. Church Matters (i.e., Church government, membership, and discipline)


The Bible studies making up the Basics Course can be found below:


1. The Bible: Learning and Living the Word of God


    -- Bible Translation Comparison Charts

            (This resource is for the charts and translations comparison; the commentary in this file has not been has not been vetted.)


    -- NT Manuscript Evidence and Messianic Prophecies


    -- Hugenberger: Historical Reliability of the Bible


    -- Jesus's View of Scripture


    -- Principles of Interpretation


    -- Inductive Bible Study Method


    -- Inductive Bible Study Example


    -- Tools for Bible Study


    -- The Living Word and the Joy of God's Word


2. Trusting Jesus as Savior and Assurance of Salvation


3. Yielding to Jesus as Lord


4. Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit


       -- Matt Perman, "Understanding the Trinity: How Can God Be Three Persons in                                              One?"


5. Prayer


6. Overcoming the World the Flesh, and the Devil


7. Community: Becoming a Family with God and His People


    -- Pastor Brian's sermon "Community: Many Are Called, but Few Can Stand It"


8. Sharing Jesus with Others


9. Growing in Holiness


    -- The Cross Charts


10. Growing in the Fruit of the Spirit


11. Worshipping God Wholeheartedly


12. Serving God and Our Neighbor


13. Discovering and Using Spiritual Gifts


       -- Description of the Various Spiritual Gifts


       -- Guidelines for Judging Prophecy


       -- Spiritual Gifts Test


14. Serving God with Our Money 


15. Eschatology (Last Things)


16. Baptism


17. Communion


18. Church Matters: Church Government, Membership, and Discipline


       -- Pastor Brian's sermon on "Biblical Church Government"


       -- Bible Study on Women in Church Leadership       


       -- Faith Community Church Statement of Church Life


       -- Corrective Church Discipline


       -- Pastor Brian's Sermon on "The Biblical Concept of Church Discipline"


       -- Faith Community Church Bylaws

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